Okay, well Teenage Tangent time.
Basically, I need to rant about infatuations and being a teenager who has them, as most teenagers do, and there are multiple spawn-off problems of this one central problem, so .. yeah. Basically, 14 is one of the worst ages I can think of, besides 100, or two. Or 39. It's that time when you're poised awkwardly on the threshold of adolescence, but you still have a foot firmly, and reluctantly, anchored in those last horrible throes of childhood. Everyone, EVERYONE is horrible at age 14. I'm horrible, my classmates are horrible, my friends are horrible. We're all just horrible. Compounding the pain of being 14 is that all 14-year-olds, unless they've unlocked a secret way of erasing emotion that I would love to hear, develop infatuations. And infatuations, invariably, suck desperately. Don't deny it. You know they do -- ESPECIALLY for nerds (well, generally ) because, as a general rule, none of us know anything about being a kid. Oh, sure, we know all about advanced mathematics, and English literature, and mythology and world history, and psychology and linguistics and the various cultures and politics of the world but we know NOTHING about being teenagers. At least not the nerds I know. We're all exceptionally awkward socially, even more so than our non-nerd brethren and sistren in puberty, and we know nothing of this huge, pulsating mass of evil that's called "dating." Though we'd like to. Oh, we'd love to. Generally. Mostly, we foster forbidden and impossible infatuations and pretend we can't commute what these strange PDA-mongerers are saying about "emotions" and "love" and "desire" and "all of that." Oh, we can. And sometimes I think that the severe, intense pain of unrequited love is increased tenfold in people who don't have a prayer. Oh, damn Cupid and his malicious arrows of desire.
So, essentially, I have an infatuation (if you hadn't picked that up, I'd think you were a person of dubious intelligence) and it's a sophomore who is in two of my A-day classes. And it's rather...unpleasant. It's unfun. It really is.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
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Oh, I don't know about the infatuations thing.
I don't have any infatuations. And I don't expect to get any.
Mainly because I'll kill off anyone at Henry Clay that I may get an infatuation for so that I never have to deal with it.
Oh, Connor, so pre-pubescent and naive.
I'll prove you wrong yet...I'll prove you all wrong! ::twitches::
And about the "pre-pubescent" thing...I don't even want to know how you'd know either way...::shudders::
Well. You don't have a great amount of facial hair and you don't like girls.
I'm taking that as an indication that you're pre-pubescent. Feel free to correct me, by all means.
1) Not everyone develops significant amounts of facial hair, you know. Just mostly everyone. But I've never been one to swing with the majority.
2) What do you mean, I don't like girls? I like them plenty. I just don't have any particular infatuations.
1. Alright, I'll grant you that, but as that's more or less the ONLY way I can discern stages in the pubescent scale for males WITHOUT getting all of us into supremely uncomfortable situations, I'm still going with it.
2. Explain.
1) Erm. Yes. That would be rather uncomfortable...on everyone's part. Still. I hardly think the facial hair is a legitimate reason.
2) What do you mean, explain? It's pretty straightfoward. I find girls attractive, yes; I am interested in them, yes; I won't go any further than that due to the point stated in (1). But given that, I have yet to develop any specific infatuations. So I still like them, I just have no infatuations.
1. Exactly. Ew.
2. Okay, well. Fine. BUT BUT BUT you just wait. Someday, Connor, you'll fall into the quicksand of pain that is infatuations. Just you wait.
1) Hey. You brought it up.
2) Will not. I'll...er, I'll start liking cheese before that happens! And that's pretty unlikely.
Connor, we all know about you and your cheese-related rendevous. You just need to come out in the open about it, because the cat's out of the bag.
What?! I...I, er...Hey! Look at that highly distracting Michael Palin statue conveniently located nowhere near me!
And as a side note: isn't it "rendezvous" and not "rondevous"?
Well, YES. Fine. Mr. Spelling Spells.
Well, hey, I have to prove my intelligence in some area.
Oh, stuff it xD
xD Lol. Anyway, deep inside, you know that your story is good...you just won't admit it...
Which story would this be, then?
My latest?
Yeah. The one that was sort of inspired by the TLL.
Oh, no.
No, that one sucks. I've been working on it.
Does not! DOES NOT!!! Darn you, I'll MAKE you admit it's good.
Oh, but it ISN'T.
Will thought it was great. In fact he wants me to email it to him...but I don't know his email address...
Is that all he said? TELL ME MORE.
I honestly don't remember anything else...I did give him your email, though...
GRARGH! Unhelpful boy.
But I've written more. I hate it all. I'm going to show it to my Mother.
Grammar Nazi time! Because you said my mother, there was really no need to capitalize "mother." xD I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
And why won't you show it to me? ::sniffs dejectedly::
xD Judging by the fact that you emailed it to me, I suppose you did. I haven't read it yet, 'cos I'm about to go do our crappy citizenship homework. My, how I hate that class.
I'm sorry you have to take citizenship. I GET TO TAKE AP WORLD! HOO HA!
It's wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than everyone else's classes.
From what I've heard, it's wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy harder, too.
But still BETTER
I can honestly say you're the first to have that opinion (that I've talked to).
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